Genesis Frameworkの標準では、次のようにパンくずリストに内容と関係のない単語がついてしまいます。
Genesis Frameworkのconfig/breadcrumbs.phpを編集します。
<?php /** * Genesis Framework. * * WARNING: This file is part of the core Genesis Framework. DO NOT edit this file under any circumstances. * Please do all modifications in the form of a child theme. * * @package StudioPress\Genesis * @author StudioPress * @license GPL-2.0-or-later * @link */ /** * The breadcrumbs configuration array. * * If child theme contains a `breadcrumbs.php` config, it will be used instead of this config. * * @since 2.7.0 */ return [ 'home' => __( 'Home', 'genesis' ), 'sep' => ' <span aria-label="breadcrumb separator">/</span> ', 'list_sep' => ', ', 'prefix' => genesis_markup( [ 'open' => '<div %s>', 'context' => 'breadcrumb', 'echo' => false, ] ), 'suffix' => genesis_markup( [ 'close' => '</div>', 'context' => 'breadcrumb', 'echo' => false, ] ), 'heirarchial_attachments' => true, 'heirarchial_categories' => true, 'labels' => [ 'prefix' => __( 'You are here: ', 'genesis' ), 'author' => __( 'Archives for ', 'genesis' ), 'category' => __( 'Archives for ', 'genesis' ), 'tag' => __( 'Archives for ', 'genesis' ), 'date' => __( 'Archives for ', 'genesis' ), 'search' => __( 'Search for ', 'genesis' ), 'tax' => __( 'Archives for ', 'genesis' ), 'post_type' => __( 'Archives for ', 'genesis' ), '404' => __( 'Not found: ', 'genesis' ), ], ];
<?php //* Do NOT include the opening php tag shown above. Copy the code shown below. //* Modify breadcrumb arguments. add_filter( 'genesis_breadcrumb_args', 'sp_breadcrumb_args' ); function sp_breadcrumb_args( $args ) { $args['home'] = 'Home'; $args['sep'] = ' / '; $args['list_sep'] = ', '; // Genesis 1.5 and later $args['prefix'] = '<div class="breadcrumb">'; $args['suffix'] = '</div>'; $args['heirarchial_attachments'] = true; // Genesis 1.5 and later $args['heirarchial_categories'] = true; // Genesis 1.5 and later $args['display'] = true; $args['labels']['prefix'] = 'You are here: '; $args['labels']['author'] = 'Archives for '; $args['labels']['category'] = 'Archives for '; // Genesis 1.6 and later $args['labels']['tag'] = 'Archives for '; $args['labels']['date'] = 'Archives for '; $args['labels']['search'] = 'Search for '; $args['labels']['tax'] = 'Archives for '; $args['labels']['post_type'] = 'Archives for '; $args['labels']['404'] = 'Not found: '; // Genesis 1.5 and later return $args; }
参考:StudioPressのModify the Breadcrumbs Displayより